Privay and Cookie Statement Cinéart


Cinéart S.A. is fully responsible for processing all the data it gathers.

Cinéart S.A.
Rue de Namur/ Naamsestraat 72-74
B - 1000 Bruxelles / Brussel

If you have any questions after reading our privacy statement, or want to contact us, please use the contact details above.


Cinéart S.A. (hereinafter abbreviated as "Cinéart"), as well as her affiliates, process personal data in connection with their activities.

Personal data is to be understood to mean all information about an identified or identifiable person.

Processing must be interpreted broadly and is an operation or a series of operations relating to personal data or a set of personal data, whether or not this processing is carried out via automated processes, such as collecting, recording, establishing, structuring, storing, processing or changing, requesting, consulting, using personal data that has been made available by means of forwarding, distributing or otherwise aligning or combining, protecting, erasing or destroying data.

Since Cinéart and its affiliates value and respect the privacy and security of personal data, this personal data will be processed solely in accordance with (i) Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), better known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as (ii) all applicable national regulations.

The current privacy policy aims to provide you with transparent information regarding:

" What information do we collect, how and why?
" What information do we not track?
" How long do we store your data?
" What are your rights?
" What are our obligations with respect to this processing?


What? The personal data collected by Cinéart includes (i) personal identification information, (ii) electronic identification data, (iii) financial identification data, (iii) personal particulars, and (iv) image recordings.

How? Cinéart collects personal data through (i) contracts that connect you to us (directly or indirectly), (ii) voluntary disclosure thereof by the person concerned (whether or not through contact forms), (iii) commercial activities in which you participate, or (iv) the use of our website and social media (containing the related technologies, such as cookies).

Why? The personal data is gathered and processed by Cinéart for a specific purpose. The purposes for which personal data is processed by Cinéart includes: (I) to implement the agreements entered into with Cinéart, (ii) to comply with applicable legal obligations, (iii) for security reasons, (iv) for marketing purposes (which you always can deny), (v) to improve our services, (vi) and for promotional purposes.

Cinéart Newsletters
When you sign up to one of our newsletters, we store your email address. We use this data to provide you with the latest news regarding Cinéart and our movies actualities. Your email address is stored safely by a third party, Mailchimp, that handles our mailings. To protect your data, Cinéart has a processor agreement with the specialist company Mailchimp, in which the safety of your data is contractually guaranteed on the basis of the model clauses approved by the European Commission.

We will only send you Cinéart newsletters via Mailchimp if you have explicitly given us permission to do so, and you can withdraw this at any time.

Social Media
We use social media to communicate about our films, our events and Cinéart News in general. Sometimes we will reply to comments addressed to Cinéart. You might also see advertisements from Cinéart on social media, based on your interests.

Generally speaking, cookies are small data files stored on your computer. They may have different functions, but they are generally used to keep a record of websites that you have visited, which can use them to remember you and your preferences when you visit in the future.

Most web browsers are automatically configured to accept cookies. However, you can configure your web browser to notify you each time a cookie has been sent or to stop it from saving cookies on your hard disk. If you do not accept our cookies, you may notice that our Website will slow down or you may no longer be able to access all of its services.

We use cookies to continually improve your website experience. For more detailed information about our cookies, please read Cinéart's Cookie Policy.


We do not track or collect any sensitive information about you. This includes i.a. race, religion, ethnicity, and political opinion.


Your personal data is kept for as long as necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected, in line with the legal, regulatory and internal requirements in this regard. Current provision obviously does not affect your rights as shown below in sub.


As a user, you also have a number of rights relating to your personal data. If you wish to invoke these rights, the best way is to contact Cinéart by sending an email to We will respond to this as quickly as possible and within 30 days at most.

" Right of access and correction/rectification: you have the right to access all the personal data we collect about you. You can have any incorrect or incomplete data change or removed.
" Right to be forgotten (right to erasure): a visitor is always entitled to have his details deleted from our database unless the data is required for the fulfilment of a contract or to comply with a legal requirement.
" Right to make a complaint: if you believe that we have illegally processed your data, you have the right to make a complaint to the Privacy Commission (Data Protection Authority).
" Right to withdraw permission: any user or visitor whose personal data is collected has the right at any time to withdraw permission given in the past to process this personal data.
" Right to appeal: you always have the right to appeal against the processing of your personal data if this is done without your permission, and when the processing does not have to be carried out on a different basis, such as the fulfilment of a contract or compliance with legal requirements.
" Right to restrict processing: you have the right to (temporarily) halt the processing of your personal data.
" Right to transfer data: under certain conditions, you have the right to obtain your personal data from us in a structured, accessible and digitally-readable form and to transfer this data to another processor.


Principles of processing: Cinéart will always process personal data via the following principles: (i) in a manner that is lawful, proper, and transparent with regard to the data subject, (ii) for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes, (iii) in a relevant way and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which the data is intended; (iv) the data will be accurate and, if necessary, updated, (v) the data will be kept in a format that makes it no longer possible to identify the data subject other than for the purposes for which the personal data has been processed, (vi) all appropriate technical or organizational measures will be taken to ensure the personal data is processed in such a way as to ensure adequate security and that it is protected against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against unintentional loss, destruction or damage.

Legality of processing: Cinéart is only entitled to process personal data if one of the following conditions is met: (i) the person concerned has expressly given consent, (ii) the processing is necessary for the implementation of an agreement to which the party concerned is a party, (iii) the processing is part of a legal obligation of the controller, (iv) the processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person, (v) the processing is necessary for the fulfilment of a general interest task or a task in the exercise of official authority, or (vi) the processing is necessary for the representation of the legitimate interests of the controller (except when the interests of the data subject would be more important).

Sharing of personal data: Within Cinéart, your personal data is only accessible to employees who must have access to this personal data in the context of carrying out their work. These employees are bound by strict internal rules regarding the processing of personal data.



Cinéart will in some cases update this privacy policy on the basis of a change in services, customer feedback, or changes to privacy legislation.

Cinéart will always inform you, via our website or our usual communication channels, of any intrinsic change to a processing activity. If required by privacy legislation, we will ask for your permission for any updated or new processing activities.


Que sont les cookies?
Un cookie est un fichier texte contenant des informations déposées sur votre ordinateur ou votre appareil mobile lorsque vous visitez un site Internet. Les cookies ont plusieurs fonctions, telle que vous permettre de naviguer efficacement entre les pages, se souvenir de vos choix, des biens et services que vous souhaitez acheter, encore vous proposer des contenus publicitaires pertinents en fonction de vos centres d’intérêts exprimés lors de votre navigation.

Pourquoi utiliser des cookies?
Ce site utilise des cookies pour améliorer la navigation, pour réaliser des statistiques de visites, et vous apporter des contenus et services adaptés à votre navigation. Ces cookies ne nous permettent pas de récolter des données personnelles.

Quels cookies utilisons-nous?
Il existe différents types de cookies :

Les cookies strictement nécessaires
Il s'agit des cookies nécessaires au fonctionnement de notre site. Ces cookies nous permettent d’enregistrer des statistiques de visite de manière anonyme. Sans ces cookies, vous ne pourrez pas utiliser notre site normalement. Il s'agit de cookies déposés qui ne concernent que le fonctionnement de notre site. Vous pouvez à tout moment bloquer ou refuser ces cookies via les réglages de votre browser ou en cliquant sur le bouton « Réglages Cookies » ci-dessous.

Cookies fonctionnels
Nous utilisons des cookies fonctionnels afin d'améliorer votre visite, de rendre votre utilisation du site plus agréable. Ainsi, nous utilisons par exemple des cookies de personnalisation de l'interface utilisateur qui retiennent vos préférences telles que votre choix de langue. 

Les cookies d’analyse de performances
Il s'agit des cookies qui nous permettent de connaître l'utilisation et les performances de notre site et de nos campagnes publicitaires. Ces cookies nous aident à améliorer le fonctionnement pour en améliorer l’utilisation. 

Nous utilisons des cookies fournis par Google Analytics qui nous aident à comprendre comment vous avez été dirigés sur notre site internet, à comprendre la façon dont vous utilisez notre site internet et à mesurer l’efficacité de nos campagnes publicitaires sur notre site Internet ou application. Ces informations nous aident à savoir quelles pages intéressent le plus nos utilisateurs, quels appareils et browsers sont utilisés pour visiter notre site.

La collecte de ces informations se fait de manière à conserver l’anonymat des utilisateurs. Nous n’identifions en aucun cas les visiteurs de notre site. Nous n’associons en aucun cas les données collectées sur ce site à des informations personnelles d’aucune source.

Il s'agit de:

• Google Analytics
Nom : __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmt, __utmz, _ga, _utm.gif

Fonction: ces informations collectées par Google Analytics nous permettent d’analyser la navigation sur notre site et d’y apporter des améliorations.

Cookies publicitaires
Nous nous servons de cookies publicitaires et de cookies tiers afin de collecter des informations concernant vos habitudes de navigation sur notre site. Ces cookies tombent sous la responsabilité du fournisseur de service en question. Il s’agit ici de cookies de Youtube. YouTube est utilisé par ce site web pour héberger et afficher le contenu vidéo. Ces cookies sont mis en place par YouTube pour tracer l'utilisation de leurs services et sont installés dès que vous appuyez sur "Play". Il s'agit des cookies utilisés pour vous présenter des publicités ou vous adresser des informations adaptées à vos centres d'intérêts. Ils sont notamment utilisés pour limiter le nombre de fois où vous voyez une publicité et aider à mesurer l'efficacité d'une campagne publicitaire.

Il s'agit de:

• Facebook tracking pixel 
Nom: impression.php/#, c_user, act, xs, datr, wd, fr, m_pixel_ratio, pl, sb –

Fonction: le « Facebook tracking pixel » est utilisé pour le retargeting. Ceci nous permet de proposer des contenus ciblés et pertinents sur les réseaux sociaux Facebook et Instagram. 

Réglage des Cookies

Vous pouvez à tout moment régler l’utilisation des cookies en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous.
Réglagles cookies

De plus, la plupart des navigateurs vous permettent d’autoriser ou de désactiver les cookies en passant par les options de réglage.

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